Our first visitors arrived on March 7th and got to experience some of the adventure of Belize. As Heidi said “Where else can you hold a monkey, ride a horse and pet a sting ray?” We really packed in a lot for their week, and it was definitely great to see them and to share Belize with them. We also must thank them for lugging out two suitcases full of treats and school supply donations for the schools! You are awesome :)
Onto the adventures
Onto the adventures
We started off by heading out west to Cayo to spend the weekend in San Ignacio and see one of the prettiest towns (in our opinion) and the one with some of the best eating. Darcy and Heidi really got to see Belize like the locals riding the regular bus; I think that was an experience in itself. When we got to Cayo, we checked in to our hotel and then immediately headed to Café Sol for lunch, then it was onto book our horseback riding tour with Rudolfo at Hannah’s Stable (recommended by another PCV and he was a great tour guide and excellent trainer for we inexperienced riders). Once all our arrangements were made for a day of outdoor adventures, we took time to explore the town and hike up the hill for soft serve soy ice cream at Cayo Twist (absolutely delicious!).
On the stairs to Heidi & Darcy's room

The girls with our soy ice cream (Ginnie should have gone for a cone...)
Horseback Riding and Zip-lining
Our morning began early for our horseback riding tour, which included passing through farmland, a creek, close to the Guatemalan border, and a small quiet village. We rode for three hours, which really does a lot of work on the legs and back, but it was well worth it for the beautiful scenery and the knowledge we gained as Rudolfo told us all about farming, his experiences as a primary school teacher, and the areas where we rode.
Walking across the suspension bridge into the village
It was then back on the bus for a trip to Jaguar Paw where Heidi and Darcy traveled through the jungle on zip lines. Since we had already done the zip-line we hung out at the jungle lodge and listened for their screams (of which we did hear at least one). It was a long day between the horseback riding, buses, and zip-lining, but we had a lot of fun. In fact, as we waited for our transportation back to the highway, we spent some time hanging out with the local howler monkey who lives right outside the resort and was pretty open to being held and climbing on everyone. We even got really lucky and the driver offered to bring us all the way home for the cost of a bus fare – that worked fine for us and we had a nice comfortable ride back to Belize City.
The resident howler monkey outside the Jungle Lodge
Belize Zoo and Old Belize
Next it was time for Darcy and Heidi to visit the zoo. That was a great morning – although it did not happen without its mishaps, a little bird biting situation occurred while taking pictures, but all turned out well. The animals were out that morning and we got to see the jaguars up close, it was incredible. It’s such a nice zoo that takes care of animals native to Belize who have either been orphaned, born at the zoo, rehabilitated, or sent to the zoo as gifts from other institutions and educates the public on Belize’s national wildlife. You can read more about the zoo and its work by visiting their site: http://www.belizezoo.org.

After leaving the zoo, we made our way to Old Belize for lunch, beach time and visiting the exhibit there. It began down pouring as we ate, so our plan to sit by the beach for a while was pushed aside. However, it was still a nice afternoon in a relaxing setting. Old Belize is a nice place to go to take a little break from the city and relax at their manmade beach or have a nice lunch at the Sibun Bite Restaurant. The exhibit also gives a little information about Belizean cultures and ways of life. It was a perfect complement to our morning at the zoo and the girls enjoyed browsing the shop for their gifts to take home.
Meeting the Kids!
In order to really share our experience, I asked if Darcy and Heidi would be interested in reading aloud to the Infant I class at Trinity and they readily agreed. On Tuesday morning, we headed over to school so they could meet my principal and the teacher and children of Infant I. Each of them read a Dr. Seuss book borrowed from the St. Luke’s School Library (and an author who the children have shown great interest in) and then spent time with the kids during their morning break. The children greeted them with their gigantic smiles and big hugs and would have easily kept them in class all day if they could. We got to watch as they learned about the letter B and helped them write their new letter. It was so nice to share the school with the girls and let them see the kids Ginnie spends her days with – they got a taste of how rewarding it is to spend just a few minutes with them. After school it was home for a quick lunch and then it was time to show them the city and see a little of our daily experience.
Lots of love from the pikni
Out in town, we visited some of the stores where we frequently shop and then stopped in at the Belize Museum so the girls could see the old prison and the exhibits. We then went to the tourist village and flea market and had the tourist experience for a few hours. Anthony and I rarely go to that part of town so I really did feel like a tourist that afternoon, but did let vendors know I am here for Peace Corps and not looking for souvenirs but enjoyed seeing what they had to offer. Several are expecting me back in 2009 to take stuff home before I go… Not so sure about that, but it was a nice afternoon. On the way home, we stopped at our favorite fruit & veggie stand to pick up fresh vegetables for dinner and for Heidi to get a pineapple that she’d been wanting for days. Sadly, the pineapple was rotten so that was a disappointment, but we had delicious oranges from our landlords that she was able to enjoy instead.
Fun in the Sun!
Our next adventure took us out to the nice, quiet, relaxed island of Caye Caulker. We got in and found a nice room at a great rate with a balcony looking out toward the sea and a small beachfront (oddly right next to a cemetery, but we tried not to think about that as we enjoyed beachtime). As we walked to find a hotel we passed by Anda de Wata tours and booked our afternoon snorkeling trip since you can’t come to Belize and not snorkel in the second largest reef in the world. After we checked in, we had a nice lunch and then got ready for the afternoon of snorkeling. The snorkeling trip consists of three stops to various sections of the reef. On our first stop, our guide took us through different sections to point out various types of fish and reef. We saw an eel during this stop, which is something Ginnie has not seen on any other snorkeling trips before. The reef and fish were beautiful as was expected and we spent quite a while out in the water. This was also the first snorkeling trip for Ginnie in which you just jump off a boat and head out to open water with no nearby land or giant platform (in the Great Barrier Reef we were out in open water but in a roped off section connected to a huge barge and a smaller barge so it didn’t feel too far from “safety”). It was good to experience and despite having no glasses Ginnie was able to see pretty well under water (though I am sure there are things I did not see as clearly as everyone else) and stayed close to people to be sure to return to the boat! Our second stop took us to Shark-Ray Alley. This was also a new experience as we swam with sting rays – rather large sting rays – and many of them at that. We all even pet a sting ray and it was a very strangely slimy puffy feeling. We were in about 4 feet of water, so we were all a little nervous about touching the ground and accidentally stepping on a ray, but we did well. It is really interesting to swim with several sting rays just swimming under you. Unfortunately for Heidi we did not encounter any sharks as they have not been coming around a lot recently our guide said and she seemed pretty excited to swim with sharks! Finally, we headed out further to a section where we were on our own to explore the reef for 45 minutes. We had to swim out several feet from the boat, so Ginnie stuck near Darcy so she wouldn’t get lost with the poor vision! We saw so many more fish here and several large schools of large fish that were eating along the reef and others just swimming around in groups. There were a lot of brilliant colors and variety of fish and it was definitely a great afternoon. The water was pretty cold though and we were all freezing when we returned to the boat, but we had time to warm up in the sun as we enjoyed fresh fruit and chatting with the other snorkelers who were in the boat with us. This also was a day with another couple mishaps involving some slipping on the boat, so all of us had at least one random funny thing happen on this trip. Although, in fairness, Heidi’s was probably the bestJ and since she is okay, we can laugh about it now.

The rest of the evening was spent walking along Front Street and checked out more shops for the girls to find their gifts and then had a nice dinner at Rasta Pasta Rainforest Café. The next day we spent the morning on the beach relaxing and then finished up the souvenir shopping before heading out on the water taxi back to Belize City.
Darcy's Big Up Huge! Burrito at Rasta Pasta
The visit ended the next morning when Darcy and Heidi had to return to the states. We really enjoyed having them here and sharing Belize with them. We really packed in a lot in one week so they could get a taste of all the many different activities available in Belize. We hope their adventures inspire the rest of you to take the trip and spend some time with us in Belize!
The visit ended the next morning when Darcy and Heidi had to return to the states. We really enjoyed having them here and sharing Belize with them. We really packed in a lot in one week so they could get a taste of all the many different activities available in Belize. We hope their adventures inspire the rest of you to take the trip and spend some time with us in Belize!
1 comment:
Ginnie and Anthony, I was tagged for a Six Word Memoir and am now tagging you to join in the fun. To get right to the blog with the directions click on the link below. I hope everything is going well!
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